
Writing encompasses a major part of my fishing career and all that I have accomplished. Without this skill I wouldn’t receive many opportunities, and neither would I be as well known to others. I stay active with writing on a weekly basis as I write for three publications, and contribute to another. I write more now than I did ever before, including school!

Although I write a lot, I am more of a fisherman and adventurer than anything else. I don’t consider myself a writer because that’s dull and boring. I love to share my trips, adventures, knowledge, and thoughts to readers. Fishing and story-telling is what I do.

From published articles, to in-depth blogs and stories, and several blurbs and postings in between, this is my current list of growing publications where readers can find me on the web.

Click on the links and I hope you enjoy. Please support these publications as they help me as much as I help them.

I am seeking new media opportunities for 2015 season!



  • Owner & Editor In-Chief
  • Staff Writer & Columnist is a website dedicated to the enjoyments of multi-species angling, and has evolved into an excellent and informative online resource for multi-species fishing in North America. We offer our several hundred members an interactive and multi-media website that allows the free exchange and promotion of fishing and all that encompasses it. Fishing-Headquarters presently features website design services, fishing videos, marketing and advertising platforms for businesses and sponsors, discussion boards, image galleries, and the highly-acclaimed bi-monthly online magazine that is circulated for FREE.


  • Staff Writer & Blogger
  • Magazine Writer & Columnist

Heartland Outdoors is your guide to hunting, fishing, boating, and camping in Illinois and neighboring states. Website features blogs, articles, discussion forums, news and reports relating to the outdoor industry and more. I am a staff writer and blogger. I write weekly for my blog and my articles are published each month for the print magazine that is circulated throughout Illinois and nearby states. My stories may be read at the following link: Andrew’s Adventures





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